Monday Made It!

Monday Made It!

So excited to join 4th Grade Frolics in Monday Made It for the first time.
Fourth Grade Frolics

Introducing the Alpha Pals!!

Last week I wrote a guest blog about Creating a Print Rich environment and posted a picture of a Die Cut alphabet I saw while touring my daughter's new school. You can read more about it here. Someone asked me if I sold it in my store & inspired the birth of my Alpha Pals. Its my first attempt at clip art & I'm having so much fun with them. I'd love some feedback. Hopefully I'll have the 2nd half of the alphabet next  Monday. 

My Kinder Tribe

I am so excited to be part of The Kinder Tribe!

Hi, I'm Sasha. I a mother to 2 kids, a 4yr old girl & a 7 year old boy. I've been teaching for 15 years, 9 of those in K. I've worked in all kinds of schools: public, private, charter, native american, & Montessori. While each type of school has its own charm, I believe the public school system in my state has the most to offer its students and teachers. I am a proud graduate of the International Baccalaureate Magnet program in a public school. My high school curriculum was harder than my college one. I was better prepared for college than my brother who went to private school.

My principal calls me the Techy Kindergarten teacher. I love anything that has to do with technology. I love my iPhone, iPad & MacBook. My husband knows that my techy toys excite me more than jewelry. My Nikon DSLR camera is my favorite toy. I love taking pictures and editing them. I also love bright colors! the first things on my back to school shopping list is color sentence strips. I use them on bulletin boards, pocket charts & even cut them to make flash cards. My favorite book is the Kissing Hand. I love the message of love in it. Its also a great book for parents to read to their kids before they start kindergarten. It comforts parents too. I made this Kissing Hand Freebie. Click the picture to get it.
 Kissing Hand Freebie
My favorite kinder blogger is Deanna Jump. I have been following her long before I became a TPT seller. Now she is also my inspiration. I love her style & friendly attitude! I love to meet her in person one day.

Fun! Fun! Fun! Summertime Blog Hop

I'm so excited to be part of my first blog hop! Thank you Cheryl from Mrs. Wyatt's Wise Owl Teacher Creations for hosting it.

Summer is a time to reinforce academic skills as well as life skills.  

Every summer I enroll my kids in swimming lessons in my local YMCA. This summer my 4 year old is finally gaining confidence in the water  & my 7 year old is having a blast at 1/2 Day Aquatics Camp. Living in Florida, I believe swimming is an essential life skill all kids need.

I created a Freebie to help parents and teachers engage children in a discussion about water safety. You can create a scrapbook with your kids demonstrating the skills or have them draw pictures.

Click here to get your FREEBIE

I am very proud of my little girl, just a week ago she did not have the confidence to swim on her own.

Other than swimming, I have spent the summer practicing Spanish with my kids. Although I am fluent in Spanish, my kids are not. When my daughter came home from school singing the Spanish alphabet, I knew I had to teach her more. She was the inspiration for all the bilingual sets in my store.

Here she is singing the Alphabet Song.

Here is a preview of my Bilingual Alphabet.

Come Sing The ABC's with Me: Thursday's Giveaway

Congratulations to Teresa & Melanie who won yesterday's giveaways. Today we are raffling off a $10 Starbuck's Gift Card. Scroll down to enter today's giveaways.

Thank you for joining my Blog Party it has been a blast! I am still learning the ABC's of Blogging. Thank you for visiting my blog. I  have 2 Freebies today to celebrate 100 likes on my Facebook page!

BOGO: All week long. Buy 1 item from my store get another item of equal or lesser value free. Simply send me an email telling me which item you would like free. 
If you made a purchase this week please contact me so I can send your free item.  

Today I am giving away my Red & Blue ABC Posters & Exotic Animal  Posters  to two very lucky winners along with other great prizes.

I chose to do all the consonants in blue and the vowels in red to help students visually distinguish them.

My Red & Blue alphabet was inspired by my favorite phonics song.

The Exotic Animals Alphabet was inspired by my love of animals.  

Get today's freebies here:

Giveaway # 1

Shapes All Around: Wednesday's Freebie & Giveaway

Congratulations to Teresa & Betsy who won yesterday's giveaways. Scroll down to enter today's giveaways.

BOGO: All week long. Buy 1 item from my store get another item of equal or lesser value free. Simply send me an email telling me which item you would like free. 

Today I am giving away my Shapes Posters & Shapes Posters Bilingual Sets to two very lucky winners.
See it in my store.Shape Posters with Vivid Photographs

Just like my other sets. This is also available in a Bilingual Set.
See it in my store.
 Get your Shapes Flashcards Freebie here:FREEBIE

My favorite shapes book is Mouse Shapes by Ellen Stroll Walsh.
What is your favorite shape book? Leave me a comment telling us.


Giveaway # 1 
  1.  Shape-Posters with Vivid Photographs
  2.  HUGE Colors Bundle
  3.  Back to School Activities and Resources by Liana Davis 

Giveway # 2
  1. Bilingual Shape Posters with Vivid Photographs 
  2. Buggy Math and Literacy Fun 
  3. Dolch Sight Words: Word-Searches

1 2 3 Come Count With Me Tuesday's Freebie & Giveaway

Congratulations to LukasAmanda who won yesterday's giveaways. Scroll down to enter today's giveaways.

BOGO: All week long. Buy 1 item from my store & get another item of equal or lesser value free. Simply send me an email telling me which item you would like free.

Today I am giving away my Number Posters Number Posters Bilingual Sets to two very lucky winners.

See it in my store.
 The Bilingual Version includes 3 sets( English, Spanish & Bilingual).
See it in my store.

You can get my Number Flashcards Freebie here: FREEBIE

I am sad to learn that my all time favorite counting book is out of print.
Help me find a new favorite. Let me know in the comments what your favorite counting book is.

Giveaway #1

Giveaway #2
  1. Number Billingual Posters Set
  2. Create A Setting: Creating a Picture to Increase Writing
  3. Number Sense Printables: Numbers 1 to 20 

Reader Recommended Books: Leave your recommendation  in the comments & I will add to this list.

Monday's Giveaway: Color My World

One of my passions is photography. It is this passion that inspired all of my Classroom Posters. Everyday I will feature a different set and raffle it off along with other sponsored goodies.
See it in my store

My first featured product is my Color Posters. I can't wait to put these up in my room! You can see them below. I'd love to hear which one is your favorite.Don't forget that any product bought this week is a BOGO. Simply leave me a comment telling me which product you like after you have completed your purchase with your email address. Free product must be of equal or lesser value. Scroll down to enter Monday's Raffles.

These are also available with Black Mats & in a Bilingual Version. The Bilingual Version contains 3 sets of posters (English, Spanish & Bilingual).

See it in my store.

You can get my Color Flashcards Freebie here: FREEBIE

Blog Party!!!

To kick off my new blog thanks to Design Infusions, I am hosting a Blog Party from today until Thursday. There will be BOGO's, Giveaways & more fun. From now until July 16th buy any product from my store & get another product of equal or lesser value free. Simply leave me a message telling me which product you would like.  Come back daily for new giveaways & other fun. There will be two raffles a day starting Monday. Special thanks to all my sponsors:
Longwing Montessori
Sara Rucker
Engage and Play In PreK
The Berry Hill
Glimmers of Learning
Love Luck and Laughter  
Toad-Ally Exceptional Learners
Enchanting Elementary
My Heart Belongs in Kindergarten
Shakin' it up with Mrs. Shannon
Reflecting Mrs. Liana
Mrs. Garcia's Super Scholars
Little Shop of Honors
Pink Polka Dots & Pre-K
The Science School Yard

If you are sponsoring this Blog Party, please link up below with a blog post about what you are giving away. All others will be deleted.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Monday's Giveaway: Color My World

One of my passions is photography. It is this passion that inspired all of my Classroom Posters. Everyday I will feature a different set and raffle it off along with other sponsored goodies.
See it in my store

My first featured product is my Color Posters. I can't wait to but these up in my room! You can see them below. I'd love to hear which one is your 

favorite. Scroll down to enter Monday's Raffles.

You can get my Color Flashcards free here:

These posters are also available with black mats and in a Bilingual Version.

Win $5 to my store!

I am kicking off my Blog Reveal Party with lots of great sponsors & prizes on Monday morning. I'm doing a few flash raffle this weekend to work out the kinks with Rafflecopter. You can enter my first raffle below.

Congratulation to Cherilyn Harrison who won a $5 gift certificate to my store!! Thank you to all of you who participated. Check back later for another flash raffle!

Follow the Frenzy

It has been an amazing 3 weeks at the TPT Seller Challenge. So many people have shared invaluable tips & advice with me. There is an amazing sense of community on TPT. In this journey there are three amazing women how I'd like to thank.

1.Vanessa from Longwing Montessorri , reached out to me in Week 1 when she realized we had friends in common. As it turns out, she is my sorority sister from the same chapter I graduated from a decade before her. We have become daily text buddies. She lives relatively close to me so we met at a local McDonald's with our laptops. We talked for 3 hrs while my children played. She is extremely sweet. has amazing ideas & has already taught me so much. She has become my go to person for TPT.

 I was very lucky to win Lattes and Lunchrooms & Design Infusion's Giveaway.

2. Kristen from Design Infusions is my Blog Fairy. I had just started my blog & was staying up late every night trying to figure out how to customize it when I got her email telling me I had won. I was over the moon! Below is the before picture. What an improvement! She did an amazing job & customized it just for me. I am so grateful!
3.  Kelly from Lattes and Lunchrooms is my TPT Fairy. I won a $25 Gift Certificate to her amazing store. What did I pick?

1st Day of School Book

Yesterday, I was home with a sick child. So while he slept & the little one watched tv (yes, I know bad mom) I finished this set for you. It includes: 
  • Custom cover pages for Kindergarten, VPK (for Florida teachers), Pre-K & 1st grade. My little one starts VPK this year so I had to include that as well. 
  • Both color & B/W pages
  • Space for kids to draw pictures