Why Use Performance Standards?

At the beginning of last school year my school was introduced to Learning Scales. Our  hearts stopped, it was one more thing in the ever increasing list of requirements teachers must meet. Through-out the year we had PLC's that helped us understand Performance Scales and how to use them in the classroom. Then in December we were told each grade level would be given 1 teacher workday to write Performance Scales together. I knew that one day was simply not enough. By this time I was beginning to see the value in them. You see Performance Scales help students self assess themselves to see where they are for the focus standard and help teachers provide support & differentiate instruction for all learners.  During Winter break I began the task of writing the Kindergarten standards for my team. I wanted to understand them before meeting with my team to write more. I got hooked the more I wrote them the more I understood the standards and saw their potential.  I carefully selected picture cues to match each standard. By the time I met with my team I had already written all the Kindergarten ones.  Here's a sample of Kindergarten Scales for you.

 You can read how to write your own here

My team loved them. These scales and the picture cues helped my kindergarten students understand what was expected of them. I used their standards based tests to show them where they were. As a teacher I loved how they allowed me to think in advance what task or expectation I could give my high achieving students to challenge them. My friends who taught other grades begged me to write some for them. 

So this summer I challenged myself to write the LAFS & Common Core Performance Standards for K-5th. I really wanted to finish all of them by mid August. However as I started to write the first grade standards, I found some standards that I simply didn't understand and had to research them to understand them and help students understand them. There was also the curve ball that I had to have surgery this summer. It was minor and luckily everything went better than expected. But I did lose a week of writing because I was tired and sore after having surgery. 

I also decided that quality was more important than quantity. Yes, I will keep my commitment of writing all of them. On Friday I finished all the first grade versions.  Hooray!

I plan to write all the 2nd & 3rd grade Performance standards by the end of August. 4th grade by the end of September and 5th grade by the end of October. 

Leave a comment below with your grade level and email by August 15th so I can let you know when your grade level is finished. Here's my promise to you if I don't meet the deadline I promised above for your grade level I will send it to you free provided you leave me a comment by August 15th.


What are my customer's saying about them?

"Yesssssss!!!!!This was absolutely what I needed in terms of looking at each standard with the Marzano alignment! You seriously saved me hours of work. The standards are super clear and easy to use. I also love that the evidence of student learning is on there- what a great way to give a concise picture of where the kiddos are at. Thank you so much!" -Kelly G. 
"I have a K/1 split so I bought the Kinder scales as well as this one. They're both fabulous. I'm going to get a lot of use out of these. Thanks for all the work you put into making them! :)"
-Kelly G. 

"I love this resource! This will help me to assess my students' level of understanding for each standard, while at the same time providing them with expectations and goals to move them forward to the next level. Awesome!"

-Davina T. 

"This product makes it so easy to incorporate scales! It has the standard, learning goals for each level, and student evidence at each level in an easy "I can" statement. I have no excuse for not using scales anymore! Thank you!!"


It's A Whale of A Sale!

I am teaming  up again with Cyndie Dunn from Chalk One Up for the Teacher & almost 80 other TpT sellers for Week 2 of Oceans of Deals, Steals & Giveaways. We are doing this every other week during July & August for 4 weeks of deals, steals & giveaways. Read on to find out what's happening each day.


$1 Deals.  You can grab either my RAINBOW CHAMPS posters or my Editable Open House Powerpoint shown below for only $1 on Monday July 18th only! Click on my products below to see them in my store. You can read more about how I use CHAMPS in my class here. Search #MondayMadness on TpT for all the $1 Deals.





Check back on Tuesday for 50% off deals. This week I will be featuring my Bilingual Color Posters & Bilingual Alphabet Set. Both were a big hit last year & include posters in both English & Spanish. They are perfect for Dual Language classes or ESOL classes.  Click below to see them in my store & search #2forTuesday on TpT for more 2 for Tuesday Deals. 




We are going "wacky" on Wednesday with Flash Freebies throughout the day. Make sure you follow me on Facebook & Instagram so you don't miss mine.



Bundles are on sale on Thrifty Thursday. I am featuring my Dual Language Bundle on Thursday for 50% off. Click below to check it out on TpT and search #ThriftyThursday for more bundle deals.



On Friday and through Saturday at midnight, you can enter to win one of these $50 gift cards so you can get your shop on to one of these fabulous places! You can enter by clicking on the Giveaway tab on my Facebook page. (You need to access it from a computer.)

 Check out the ocean of deals, steals & giveaways from the sea of "fin"tastic sellers below.

My Top 5 Magical Moments At the TpT Conference

In linking up with Ha from Happy Days in First Grade for My Top 5 Magical Moments from TpT Orlando '16.

Magical Moment #1
Meeting Deanna Jump after years of following her blog online was magical. In person she is very sweet & down to earth. She made my day when she told me that she had heard of my store & even seen me on the TpT dashboard. As it turns out she taught in the same county that I currently teach in.

Oceans of Deals, Steals & Giveaways Week 1

I have team up with Cyndie Dunn from Chalk One Up for the Teacher & almost 80 other TpT sellers for Week 1 of Oceans of Deals, Steals & Giveaways. We are doing this every other week during July & August for 4 weeks of deals, steals & giveaways. Read on to find out what's happening each day.


$1 Deals.  You can grab either of my CHAMPS posters show below for only $1 on Monday July 4th only! Click on the CHAMPS posters below to see them in my store. You can read more about how I use CHAMPS in my class here.
Search #MondayMadness on TpT for all the $1 Deals.


Check back on Tuesday for 50% off deals. This week I will be featuring my Alphabet Posters in with red vowels for primary grades & Exotic Animals Cursive Alphabet for Intermediate Grades. Both feature gorgeous real pictures. Click below to see them in my store & search #2forTuesday on TpT for more 2 for Tuesday Deals. 


We are going "wacky" on Wednesday with Flash Freebies throughout the day. Make sure you follow me on Facebook so you don't miss mine.


Bundles are on sale on Thrifty Thursday. If you are a thrifty 1st grade teacher you are in luck. Your choice of Common Core Or Florida Standards Performance Scales Bundles are on sale today. If you don't teach 1st grade don't despair there are lots of other deals. Head over to TpT and search #Thrifty Thurday.


On Friday. Enter to win one of 7- $50 Gift Cards! Yes I said SEVEN $50 Gift Cards are being raffled off! All you have to do is visit our stores & follow us by clicking the green star. Every store you follow gives you another chance to win. GOOD LUCK!!! 


Check out the ocean of deals, steals & giveaways from the sea of "fin"tastic sellers below.


4th of July Minute to Win It!

Do you want to spruce up your 4th of July Party? 


First grab some 4th of July Party Hats that will be a hit with all the kids!

To get them simply sign up for my newsletter here. 


Then, play Minute to Win it Games that will engage your guests. Both young old!


I played Minute to Win it Games with my Class for our End of the Year Party. The kids, parent volunteers & I all had a blast. So I'm doing an encore of the games with my family for our 4th of July Party.  

We played:

1. Go Fishing: Fish are cut out of tissue paper & you need to fan the fish to the finish line.

2. Balloon Race (one of our favorites): Put a balloon or beach ball between your legs & have a race.

3. There She Blows: Blow a cup with a straw across the table.

4. Nose Dive (one of our favorites): Transfer a cotton ball from one plate to another using your nose.

5. Tower Power: Make towers alternating dixie cups & paper plates.

6. Noodling Around: Pick up pasta using a spaghetti noodle.

7. Face Cookie (another one of our favorites): Move a cookie from your forehead to your mouth using only the muscles in your face.

We got most of our Minute to Win It games from this FREEBIE on TpT. 

Here are 3 videos of Minute to Win it Games that are Perfect for your 4th of July Party!


  Join me in celebrating the 4th of July by playing Minute to Win It . Let me know which games you played.