Butterfly & Moth Unit

After going to Butterfly World, my students & I always start our Butterflies & Moth Unit. This cover both our life science standard about lifecycles (SC.2.L.16.1 in Florida) & our compare & contrast standard in reading (LAFS.2.RI.3.9). This is how I use it with my 2nd graders.

First we start with a basic Can Have Are anchor chart about Butterflies. Afterwards ask students to write 1 paragraph for each part of the anchor chart. This is a great way to prepare students for 3rd grade where they will be required to write 5 paragraph essays. 

Then we create a diagram with labels for the parts of butterfly. This was a great hands on review (or preview)  of the text features.

In my reading center, students read non-fiction text about the lifecycle of the butterfly and then summarize what they learned. My students read the Lifecycle of a Butterfly Task Cards included in the Butterflies & Moth Unit. However you can use a nonfiction book about Butterflies or have students research on the web. Another great resource my students use is Discovery Education (our school district has a paid subscription). Students listen to short videos about their topic and then write about it. I find that when students use videos for research they actively listen and are more engaged. They can't just copy. They have to listen.
 The culminating activity is to compare and contrast butterflies and moths. Here again students may use the included task cards or they may use information from their research. You can see my unit here.